Este espaço pretende ser um lugar para falar de roupas, memórias, arte, design, moda, cinema, literatura, educação, música e tantas outras coisas pelas quais os meus sentidos se fixam por pouco ou por muito tempo...
27 abril 2009
21 abril 2009
Jennifer Maestre...

Detalhe da escultura Aurora. Foto extraída do site da artista.
"My sculptures were originally inspired by the form and function of the sea urchin. The spines of the urchin, so dangerous yet beautiful, serve as an explicit warning against contact. The alluring texture of the spines draws the touch in spite of the possible consequences. The tension unveiled, we feel push and pull, desire and repulsion. The sections of pencils present aspects of sharp and smooth for two very different textural and aesthetic experiences. Paradox and surprise are integral in my choice of materials. Quantities of industrially manufactured objects are used to create flexible forms reminiscent of the organic shapes of animals and nature. Pencils are common objects, here, these anonymous objects become the structure. There is true a fragility to the sometimes brutal aspect of the sculptures, vulnerability that is belied by the fearsome texture(...)."
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